Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back at Cooks

It's been another long day, although it was sure wonderful waking up (at 7:00am) with both kids in the house! We spent the majority of the day doing laundry and unpacking. Briley had a fair day. Her outburst and appetite are becoming less as the steroids leave her system. She laid on the couch all day, not feeling well. A fever started earlier afternoon and finally got to the point that we had to call her oncologist. She wanted us to come back to Cooks for antibiotic treatment and lab work. It's a little after midnight right now, and we will be heading upstairs shortly to a room for the night. We'll see what the cultures say tomorrow. Hopefully they are negative and we'll be able to come home.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for negative results on the cultures & that you all will get to come back home.


Thank you for your thoughts & prayers for Briley! God Bless!