Since the clinic has moved to it's new location, this will be the first time that Briley's spinal tap will be done at the clinic and not at the SPA. She will not be sedated with propofol as in the past, but she will now get versed/fentanyl. This has Alicia on edge more so than me. Alicia doesn't like change, especially if it was working great before. I don't blame her, but I think everything will go just fine, if not better. Briley will be able to eat and drink that morning before. She was not able to do so before the clinic move. Also, we should get out of there so much faster. No more having to walk across campus to the SPA, having to registry over there, wait for paperwork, and recovery time.
She will also start the 5 days of steroids. Joy (sarcasm)! I wonder what she will start craving this time? She will also get the vincristine through her port. If you had a chance to see her play, you may have noticed that she does not run like other kids. It's more of a fast shuffle of feet. This is due from the vincristine. It affects the feeling in her feet and legs. The sensation should not last more than a few days, but the mental effect from it last much longer. She took some nasty falls when she first started that particular chemo, so now she is basically scared to run without shuffling her feet. I hope this improves with time. She will start playing T-ball soon and I know she will do great, maybe just a little slower running around the bases.
Thursday will be a big change for us. Please keep Briley in your prayers that all will go well without long lasting side-effects. Thanks!
Praying for y'all!